Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Restoring the Balance

The Council on Foreign Relations and Brookings Institution have released a book of Middle East policy recommendations for the incoming president, the result of an 18-month study conducted jointly by CFR and the Saban Center at Brookings. Apparently not everything is coming up roses:

"The forty-fourth president will face a series of critical, complex, and interrelated challenges in the Middle East that will demand his immediate attention: an Iran apparently intent on approaching or crossing the nuclear threshold as quickly as possible; a fragile situation in Iraq that is straining the U.S. military; weak governments in Lebanon and Palestine under challenge from stronger Hezbollah and Hamas militant organizations; a faltering Israeli-Palestinian peace process; and American influence diluted by a severely damaged reputation. The president will need to initiate multiple policies to address all these challenges but will quickly discover that time is working against him."

I will look forward to reading this and then getting drunk by myself.

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